Thursday, 6 May 2010

Thursday 6th May

It's General Election Day. I have just voted!! Have you?

As the nation puts it's trust in the vote of the electorate I place my trust in the decisions of 4 dice ;-) following my last blog "Sheep" kindly suggested the following combinations......

Dice 1 - What to wear
1) Jeans & Jumper
2) Bare Feet
3) Just a dress
4) Corset and Heels
5) Only Underwear
6) Totally Nude

Dice 2 - Where to be
1) On Public Transport
2) In the Pub where you work
3) In a Shop Changing Room.
4) At the Gymn / Swimming Pool
5) In a Public Park / wood
6) At a Friends house

Dice 3 - How to be positioned / tied
1) Hands Cuffed Behind Back.
2) Cuffed to an immovable object.
3) Rope Web / Harness
4) On Floor in fetal position.
5) Hobbled
6) Cuffed to another person

Dice 4 - How long to stay like that for
1) 10 mins
2) 25 Mins
3) 45 Mins
4) 1.5 Hours
5) 3 Hours
6) 6 Hours

So here we go. You will have to trust me, and i swear I am putting my faith in the 4 dice. The only thing that scares me is if i roll Dice 1 as 6 (naked) and Dice 2 as 1 (public transport) as that could well get me arrested. Not sure what i will do if that happens!!! Either I will chicken out completely or i will wait for a night bus and cower on the top floor....... Gulp!!

So. Here goes.

Dice 1: 5 (only underwear)
Dice 2: 5 (park / wood)
Dice 3: 1 (cuffed behind back)
Dice 4: 2 (25 minutes)

Wow. Some may think that's tough. But I am a bit relieved!! I will go out now and obey the dice....... Wish me luck....... Will tell you how it goes later!!!

One thought........ If I had a 5th or a 6th dice what could it signify??

H xx


  1. Wow! Your trying it already! Good Luck! I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes!

    You are right, There are some combinations that are somewhat risky, I certainly wouldn't want you to get arrested! The thought of you Naked in bondage on a night bus is very Hot! However if you carefully choose your form of public transport, the risk is minimal. Eg. You could be naked in the toilet of a train / plane for a while. For longer durations there is always the possibility of a cabin on a ferry... I understand that it may not be possible to find a suitable location, So I have used your extra to Dice to add an Re-Roll Option. See what you think!

    Dice 1 - What to wear

    1) Jeans & Jumper

    2) Bare Feet

    3) Just a dress

    4) Corset and Heels

    5) Only Underwear

    6) Totally Nude

    Dice 2 - Where to be

    1) On Public Transport

    2) In the Pub where you work

    3) In a Shop Changing Room.

    4) At the Gymn / Swimming Pool

    5) In a Public Park / wood

    6) At a Friends house

    Dice 3 - Bondage / Position Part A

    1) Hands Cuffed Behind Back.

    2) Hands Cuffed to an immovable object.

    3) Hands Cuffed between Legs
    4) Hands Cuffed between Legs
    5) Cuffed to another person
    6) Wearing Rope Web / Harness (Must be worn visably)

    Dice 4 - Bondage / Position Part B

    1) Ankles Cuffed / Tied together
    2) Ankles in Spreader Bar
    3) Standing in corner facing wall
    4) On Floor in fetal position.
    5) Lying down
    6) Kneeling

    Dice 5 - How long to stay like that for

    1) 10 mins

    2) 25 Mins

    3) 45 Mins

    4) 1.5 Hours

    5) 3 Hours

    6) 6 Hours

    If this situation proscribed is too risky (or too scary), You may choose to re-roll either dice 1 or dice 5. However, If you do so, you must roll Dice 6, and add the consequence to the resulting scenario. (It is possible that you may roll the same result as before. If this happens you may roll again, but, you must roll dice 6 and add the consequence for every re-roll you do....!

    Dice 6 - Re-roll consequence
    1) Ball Gag
    2) Collar
    3) Butt Plug
    4) Vibrator
    5) Nipple Clamps
    6) Blindfold

    I noticed that there is a twitter based Dice. That way we can see what you are rolling! (Might save you from the temptation of cheating) Obviously wether you play the game, or obey the results is completely up too you. No pressure here at all. It is exciting though!

    If you send the following message on twitter:

    @rollthedice roll 5

    You will get a the results from 5 dice.

    and then is you use the re-roll send

    @rollthedice roll 2

    to get the re-rolled dice result and one for Dice 6.

    Hopefully you first experience has been a good one, and hasn't put you off the game!



  2. Call us now for dirty uncensored ‘live’ phone sex. The girl of your choice will call you back to fulfill your special fantasy, exactly what you want. Tell us what you want.

  3. Dice 1 - Totally Nude
    Dice 2 - At a Friends house
    Dice 3 - Hands Cuffed Behind Back
    Dice 4 - Lying down
    Dice 5 - 45 Mins

  4. Dice 1 - What to wear
    1) Jeans & Jumper
    2) Bare Feet
    3) Just a dress
    4) Corset and Heels
    5) Only Underwear
    6) Totally Nude
